Monday, November 23, 2009

My Holiday

This is a tough one, I can't really think of a holiday that we don't already have. I mean, I already think some of the holidays we have are a little bogus. Like Arbor Day? Shouldn't we care about our environment everyday (not talking about tree hugging, simply awareness). So I say lets just celebrate my Beth's birthday for a week straight since we have this awesome class to attend every monday afternoon/ evening.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

50 what if questions

-50 What if questions... this should be fun

1. What if I had decided to be a business major?
2. WHat if I had decided to join the military instead of going to college?
3. What if Prof. Edgar Huang was german?
4. What if today was 50 years into the future?
5. What if I was a professional gamer and got payed to play Halo?
6. What if I completely understood everything I was being taught in my classes?
7. What if I wasn't afraid of rejection?
8. What if I could change the past?
9. What if I was able to go visit my brother in San Diego today?
10. What if my parents were still together?
11. What if my best friend understood that the girl he's dating makes him look horrible, and that he can do much better?
12. What if I had already finished this assignment?
13. What if it wasn't 12:30 and this assignment wasn't already past due?
14. What if I had until 3:00, when class begins, to have this assignment completed?
15. What if I had until 3:00, when class begins, to have all assignments completed?
16. What if I could type with my mind?
17. What if I could fly?
18. What if I could have laser vision?
19. What if I could see all outcomes before they happened?
20. What if I actually got paid to do all of these assignments/ projects in class?
21. What if I could actually get 8 hours of sleep each night?
22. What if I could stop time?
23. What if I asked Beth to cut me a little slack on the blog entries?
24. What if Beth did actually cut me slack?
25. What if I could use Jedi mind tricks?
26. What if I was an astronaut?
27. What if I was raised in communist Russia?
28. What if I had clones?
29. What if I was the youngest out of 3 instead of the oldest?
30. What if I had 100% time freedom?
31. What if my sister decided to pursue law instead of animal science in her first year of college?
32. What if this assignment only required 32 what if questions?
33. What if I got to decide my grade in all my classes?
34. What if I just packed up and left for Montreal?
35. What if I sold all of my belongings and rebuilt from nothing?
36. What if I had the power to solve the US economic crisis?
37. What if I could show you how I'm creating more financial and time freedom for myself and others?
38. What if the year was 1987?
39. What if the year was 3000?
40. What if I could bend sound with my mind?
41. What if I had a theme song for my life, to follow me all day everyday?
42. What if I was on a boat?
43. What if I had a beach condo in Jamaica, payed off, with two live in housemaids?
44. What if I had a private jet, with all expenses paid by Warren Buffet?
45. What if this was all a dream?
46. What if I became a pro snowboarder?
47. What if I rode a segway to all of my classes?
48. What if I was a baller, shot caller, 20 inch blades on the impala?
49. What if I make more in my first 5 years out of college than my parents made in their first 20 years?
50. What if the rich became poor, and the poor became rich?


Monday, October 12, 2009

We are the world

For this assignment, i've created the idea that since we are the future leaders of the world, we should start acting like it. (Huge cop out, but I forgot to do this assignment legitimately.)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Class 10/5/09

Class today was as interesting as always. Today we spoke about what we did last week for our "skip class day". Some people went to lunch, some made beer pong tables, some did absolutely nothing. All variants were expected. Following that discussion, we covered the subject of breaking the rules. Conversation went off topic as always, I was extremely tired for some reason (i pretty much slept all weekend), but Nick brought in a sweet laser pointer and reflected its beam off of the quartz samples. It was definitely out of the blue and unexpected. But still, made class interesting today.



For this assignment, I simply went home and ate a late lunch. After eating I read a little and worked on a little growth. It was much needed time for myself.

For the "Breaking the rules" assignment, I decided to try using photoshop while having my screen colors inverted. It was interesting because using photoshop sometimes requires attention to details such as color and tone. Inverting the colors made this an interesting use of the program.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This assignment proved to be quite challenging. Since I had a lot of difficulty thinking of something thats more than meets the eye, I decided to use myself for this assignment. On the outside I am a 22 year old male. But inside I am filled with stories about my past, goals and ambitions, likes and dislikes, values, hobbies, opinions, and a laundry list of character traits. Probably not the typical subject for this assignment, so I thought I would go a different direction for this one.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Class 9/21/09

Class today was interesting, as always. Never thought I would hear the words "cardboard" and "porn" in the same phrase, but there are a lot of things I will only experience inside the confines of this classroom. Now to think of something that is more than meets the eye...


Monday, September 21, 2009

Assignment 2: On Fear

For our second assignment, we were required to either use the marshmallow creation, or part of a pizza box to represent fear. My idea for this project came to me much faster than assignment 1. Once I had my hands on the pizza box, i instantly thought of making a mask. Having just finished watching Halloween, I thought back to little Michael Myers utilizing masks in order to hide his face, hide his inhibitions, his feelings, and essentially hide himself from the horrible things he did to others. This to me is extremely fearful because when he hid behind a mask, he lost the one thing that made him himself.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Class 9/14/09

Wow, I can't believe we'll actually get credit for this class. On one hand, we tackled the subject of fear by conducting the entire duration of class with little to no light... literally. On the other hand, we went off on numerous tangents ranging from elevator music to experimentation with psychedelics, and everything in between. It's only week two and now we somehow need to represent fear with a pizza box. I know what I plan on doing, but really... a pizza box? Yeah I know, scary.


Assignment 1

For assigmnent 1, I decided to create a brief audio composition. I really had no idea what to create at the introduction of this assignment, so I decided to use this as an excuse to record a snippet of my guitar playing. To incorporate this project with the sky, I inserted a clip of a jetliner flying by (horrible cop out) to bring relevance to this assignment. The assignment was fun and gave me the opportunity to get back to my lost hobby or recording my musical progress. One reason I believe I have never strayed from playing the guitar, or any instrument, is simply because you're never truly finished learning techniques, styles, and how far you can push yourself. The sky is truly the limit.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New to this...

So i've never blogged before. Is there a specific way to blog? Probably not since i've created this for my Seeing Sideways class. I could probably pour marinara sauce on my laptop, take a picture of it, post it, and that would be a sufficient blog entry for this class. Yeah, it's kinda like that. I'm starting to realize that there's no limitation as to what we can do for a grade in this class. Sounds fun right? Monday Beth had us go outside, lay in the grass, stare at the sky, and said "create something that might be inspired by the sky...". No further instructions what so ever. WTF? You should've seen the reaction from some of the students after they realized that we really have no direction for this assignment. The look on their faces resembled that of a person who might've questioned the fact that the world is round... or is it? As for me, you could say I saw this coming. But shit, that doesn't mean I know what to do for this assignment. Good thing this blog entry is the only thing due today.